Honda Mukafati - Wikipedia
Honda mükafatı — (ing. Honda Prize;yap. 本田賞) Yaponiyanın elm adamlarına verdiyi ən yüksək mükafat
redaktəHonda (Honda Foundation) mükafatı1980-ci ildən etibarən hər il Honda Fondu tərəfindən verilir.Əsası Soiçiro Honda və onun kiçik qardaşı Benciro Honda tərəfindən 1977-сi ilin dekabrında qoyulan Honda Fonduna indi Xiromori Kavaşima başçılıq edir[1] .Mükafatın əsasını diplom, medal və pul mükafatı təşkil edir(10 milyon yapon İenası). Dünyanın bir çox tanınmış alimləri , həmçinin Nobel mükafatının 3 laureatı bu mükafatı almışdır. Honda mükafatını alan ilk və yeganə azərbaycanlı alim Lütfi Zadədir.
Şirkətin tarixi
redaktəPorşen üzüklərinin istehsalı Hondanın Soitirosunun sahibkar fəaliyyətinin birinci təcrübəsi idi. O, 1938-ci ildə qarajda qaydaya saldı. İki il sonra o Toyota şirkətindən böyük sifarişi aldı, icrası üçün ona yeni zavodu tikmək lazım oldu. İkinci dünya müharibəsindən sonra o Toyota şirkətinin öz zavodunu satdı və Fudzisavının köməyi ilə motosikllərin istehsalıyla məşğul oldu, hansı ki, yeni şirkətin maliyyələşdirilməsini təmin etdi, həmçinin marketinq strategiyasıyla məşğul olurdu. 1946-cı ildə Honda Technical Research Institute-u (Hondanın Texniki elmi tədqiqat institutu) yaradılmışdı, 24 sentyabr 1948-ci ildə şirkət kimi qeyd edilmişdi. 20 əməkdaş idi. 1950-ci ildə Honda iki dəfə ən böyük güclə dördsilindrli mühərriki hazırlamağı bacardı, əvvəl nə qədər idilər, bunun sayəsində Honda motosiklləri məşhurluğu qazanmağa tez başladı. 1954-cü ilə onlar Yaponiyada bazarın 15-faiz pay hissəsinə nail oldular. Həmçinin Hondayla hazırlanmış konstruksiyanın 1950-ci motosikllərinin sonuna kimi hər şey dünyada ən nüfuzlu motosikl yarışlarını uddu.
Mükafatın diplomu
redaktəDiplom ənənəvi Yapon sənətkarlıq və müasir texnologiya arasında bir tarazlığı simvollaşdırır. Baza Yaponiya ənənəvi sənətkarlıq əlamətlərinin gözəl bir nümunəsi olan Saga brokadası ilə örtülmüş və yapon akçaağacı yarpaqları ilə əhatə olunmuş ənənəvi yapışdırılmış yapon kağızına quraşdırılmışdır.Bu dizayn Honda mükafatının Yapon köçürülməsini çatdırmaq məqsədi daşıyır və insanların nə qədər texnologiya, insan ağlı və əlləri olursa olsun, onun əsasını təşkil edən mesajdır[2].
redaktəHonda mükafatı — ekotexnologiya sahəsində yeni ideyalar üçün verilən mükafatdır. 1979-cu ildən Honda Fondunun mövcudluğunun əsas prinsipinə ekologiya və texnologiyalar konsepsiyası daxildir.Bu prinsipə görə ekologiya Yer kürəsinin bütün sistemini və insan sivilizasiyasını müəyyən edir. Bu texnoloji konsepsiya insanlarla və ətraf mühitlə harmoniyada texnologiyalardan istifadəyə və inkişafa çağırır[3]
redaktə1980-ci ldə etibarən Honda mükafatını alan alimlər və təqdim edilən mövzular
İllər | Alimlər | Təqdim edilən mövzular |
1980 | Gunnar Hambraeus | "For his leadership in the promotion of interactions among engineering societies across continents as the managing director of Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences." |
1981 | Harold Chestnut | "For his achievements associated with the promotion of humanitarian use of technology as a world leader in systems engineering that encompasses electrical, electronic, instrumentation, and automatic control." |
1982 | John Flavell Coales | "For his achievements associated with the theorization of automatic control technology and its technological transfer to many of the developing countries." |
1983 | Илья Пригожин | "For his contributions to international fight against environment issues by applying his unique Dissipative Structure Theory primarily constructed in the fields of chemistry and physics." |
1984 | Umberto Colombo | "For his vision and policy recommendations in his book co-authored with the Club of Rome, ‘Beyond the Age of Waste,’ with regard to braking wasteful use of food, energy, and natural resources by developing sustainable technologies to secure them." |
1985 | Карл Саган | "For his visionary contributions associated with the introduction of a novel perception of human civilization by viewing the earth from a cosmic perspective, featuring the concept of ‘nuclear winter’ in caveat." |
1986 | Дзюнъити Нисидзава | "For his achievements in the invention of pin diode and static induction transistor; and for his pioneering efforts in the application of optical communications technology to the society." |
1987 | Жан Доссе | "For his discovery of the major histocompatibility that opened a new way for organ transplantation complex." |
1988 | Paolo Maria Fasella | "For his expertise in medicine, biology and other neighboring fields of life science." |
1989 | Лотфи Заде | "For his construction of the Fuzzy Theory." |
1990 | Фрай Отто | "For his conceptualization and embodiment of light-weight architectural designs." |
1991 | Монокомпу Самбасиву Сваминатан | "For his leading role in the Green Revolution movement that saved the Indian subcontinent from a serious food crisis, as part of his involvement in global activities for environment protection." |
1992 | Герман Хакен | "For his initiation of Synergetics." |
1993 | Коки Хорикоси | "For his lifelong work on Alkaliphilic Micro-organisms, based on which he developed clean industrial technologies such as decontamination of polluted seawater." |
1994 | Бенуа Мандельброт | "For his lifelong work on the Fractal Geometry." |
1995 | Åke E. Andersson | "For his vision of C-Society where such C’s as Creativity, Culture, and Communication should become key elements that help regional or local economies grow in accordance with the environment." |
1996 | Bruce Ames | "For his development of the Ames test and associated efforts to legislate it." |
1997 | Günter Petzow | "For his expertise in particle technology and powder metallurgy technique, which has led to commercialized fine-ceramic materials for use such as high-temperature turbine blade and prosthetic joint." |
1998 | Hubert Curien | "For his leading role in the development of the first French earth observation satellite system, with which he improved the way to monitor and manage the earth environment." |
1999 | Aleksandra Kornhauser Frazer | "For her contribution to the implementation of environment-friendly product development / manufacturing processes through the use of an information system monitoring and helping control harmful industrial wastes." |
2000 | Сюдзи Накамура | "For his invention and development of the Blue LED, a power-saving diode with semipermanent life." |
2001 | Donald Mackay | "For his achievements associated with the development of the Mackay Model, a method to measure environment pollution by predicting behaviors of chemical substances in the natural environment." |
2002 | Barry John Cooper | "For his achievements associated with the development of the three-way catalyst, an environment-friendly device for exhaust gas treatment which substantially cleans emissions from automobiles." |
2003 | Кэнъити Мори | "For his achievements associated with the development of the first Japanese word processing engine." |
2004 | Walter Willett | "For his achievements associated with the widely-accepted finding as a result of his lifelong efforts in large-scale cohort study that diet has the key role in prevention of chronic diseases." |
2005 | Радж Редди | "For his pioneering role in robotics and computer science which are expected to be used in the future society for a broad range of applications including education, medicine, healthcare, and disaster relief." |
2006 | Ричард Нельсон | "For his achievements associated with the Evolutionary Theory of Economic Change which views innovation as a key factor to substantially impact subsequent growth or deterioration of a given industry and economy as a whole." |
2007 | Philippe Mouret | "For his achievements associated with the performance of the world-first practical laparoscopic cholecystectomy." |
2008 | Максимилиан Хайдер, Розе, Харальд,Урбан, Кнут | "For their achievement in the world-first Atomic Electron Microscope, a type of transmission electron microscope capable of atomic-level imaging using aberration correction technology." |
2009 | Ian Frazer | "For his achievement in developing world's first cervical cancer vaccines, which contributed to the preservation of the seed of the human race." |
2010 | Antonio Damasi | "For his pioneering efforts and remarkable contributions in the world of neuroscience symbolized with his influential Somatic Marker Hypothesis, by focusing on the roles of emotions and feelings in human behavior, including consciousness and decision-making." |
2011 | Соморджай, Габор | "For his establishing the methodology to visually describe surface interactions at the molecular level." |
2012 | Denis Le Bihan | "For his pioneering efforts in theorization of water diffusion measurement by MRI and its application in clinical practice." |
2013 | J. Tinsley Oden | "For his contribution to establishment and development of "Computational Mechanics," a new discipline that integrates mathematics, computer science, physics and applied mathematics, which has enabled the development of computer simulation technology used across industry and research today." |
2014 | Helmut Clemens | "For his outstanding contributions and eminent achievements in the development of light-weight structural intermetallic titanium aluminides, so-called ɤ-TiAl based alloys which are presently seen as key structural materials for high-temperature application in advanced jet and automotive engines of the next generation." |
2015 | Russell H. Taylor | "For their outstanding contributions to the development of high-efficiency production methods of Cellulose Nanofiber (CNF), its application to products, and the enhancement of its potential for further utilization." |
2016 | Akira Isogai,Hiroyuki Yan | "For their outstanding contributions to the development of high-efficiency production methods of Cellulose Nanofiber (CNF), its application to products, and the enhancement of its potential for further utilization." |
2017 | Hiroyuki Matsunami | "For his outstanding contributions to pioneering research on "silicon carbide (SiC) power devices" and its practical applications." |
Xarici keçidlər
redaktə- ↑ "Mukafat saytı". 2016-02-08 tarixində arxivləşdirilib. İstifadə tarixi: 2017-11-10.
- ↑ "Mükafat saytı". 2022-08-22 tarixində arxivləşdirilib. İstifadə tarixi: 2017-11-10.
- ↑ "İllik Honda 2009 mükafatı94". 2017-10-14 tarixində orijinalından arxivləşdirilib. İstifadə tarixi: 2017-11-02.